Fool's Errand (The Tawny Man)
9781439549179 (1439549176)
Edition language: English
Science Fiction Fantasy,
Epic Fantasy,
High Fantasy,
Series: Tawny Man (#1)
FitzChivalry returns....
I can't help but think I might have liked this better had I red the trilogy that preceded it.I'm not certain of course, but I found the first third largely dull. A guy is in the woods, with his wolf and a kid, and a couple times he gets some visits from old friends. He spends a lot of time telling o...
A sequel to the Farseer Trilogy, this is set fifteen years later. Fitz has a new identity as Tom Badgerlock and has carved out a life for himself. However his retirement can't last and he's called on to help the Farseer dynasty again. This time it's the next generation and he's gone missing, if h...
In no way can this book be considered the beginning of a standalone series. It borrows locations from the Liveship Traders trilogy, which is fine, but it also relies heavily on the events of the Farseer books, and I don't think you'd enjoy this if you hadn't enjoyed that.The page count seemed oddly ...
Originalmente visto aqui 15 anos após os acontecimentos d' A Saga do Assassino, Fitz e companhia voltam a relatar-nos as aventuras no reino dos Seis Ducados. Depois do conturbado final do livro A Demanda do Visionário, Fitz Cavalaria decide viver em reclusão. Poucos são os que não o dão como morto e...