Wow, I am so glad I picked this book back up! I tried but it didn't click -- now I can't put it down! review to come...OK -- blogger ate my review I will have to go back and reconstruct it. sigh...
Read the First 100 Pages but couldn't get into the story. I'll pick up another time!
This was a very enjoyable paranormal romance that would be suitable for middle grade students as well as young adults. Claire is a junior in high school and a scholarship student at the prestigious Emerson Academy in Los Angeles. She is smart and has a couple of really good friends - Erika and Brian...
Oh angel books, what a complicated relationship we have. A love-but-mostly-hate kinda deal. Before reading Forbidden by Syrie James & Ryan James, I would have claimed the Unearthly trilogy as the only angel books I’ve ever read and liked even the slightest. While those are definitely still my favori...
Forbidden felt like angels meet X-Men. The conflict and characters reminded me a lot of the first X-Men movie. It was told from two points of view: Alec’s and Claire’s, which I found refreshing. It was nice not to read a one-sided love story. The characters had a lot of depth to them and they were e...
Review to come
It was fine. There was nothing particularly bad about it...I just feel like I've read a lot of this kind book already. I'm not sure I'm done with the genre but maybe just needing a little more to wow me these days.