by Laura Kaye
Opening Line: "The sleek silver Beemer swerved roughly to the curb in front of my driveway, cutting me off as I pulled out."Lucien Demarco is hungry. We join him (in 1st person POV) seeking out a blood source after a long dry spell. One night he runs into an old vampire friend who ironically is now ...
This is the second Laura Kaye book I have read but the first Vampire book from her that I have read ( so far) it was really a very beautiful story about finding love and the healing power of love. The story is slow to start but once Sam and Lucien start to get to know each other the story is really...
This was a 3.5 star read for me. I don't read a lot of PNR and the book definitely gave me the Twilight vibe. I did enjoy the story and the authors voice. I will definitely read more from this author.
3.5 Stars.
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3.5 stars. I really enjoyed the book. There were some points that I am still deciding about but overall it was a fun romantic story. It is written in first person and I found myself really wanting things to work out for Lucien.
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Rating: 4 or 4.5 haven't decided yet.(Wow. This book ended up really rocking. about 30 percent of the way in, I had to "take a break" because it just wasn't doing it for me, not really. But getting back to it, something clicked and it took off. I ended the tale with a smile on my face.)This is a sta...
Loved it. Read it in a day. Lucien is wonderful.