by Kimber Vale
What can I say? I'm a sucker for second chance romance. The only thing really keeping me from giving this 5 stars was I think Alex gave in to Chance far too easily. Oh and I wanted to punch Cliff in the face myself. What a jerk always guilting and coercing Chance into doing things he doesn't wan...
I kind of hated Chance. He was came off as too selfish and a bit of a jerk. Alex....I can't really say I was all too fond of him either. They both were quite flawed in their own way and their story was kind of frustrating to read. Their attitude towards each other were pretty childish. There was a l...
Move from wish list to maybe.No friend reviews. Kinda over rock stars. Well, I was never really into them as a fiction trope. Kinda on the border of too short.Let's see what friends might say.
Kimber Vale wrote a great story of young love in this book. Sometimes when we are young, we believe we are in love and that love will conquer all. Once we grow up and get some life experience, we realize that real life is much harder than our parents ever let on. I think Chance and Alex needed their...