Francisco Goldman
Birth date: January 01, 1954
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I couldn't bring myself to push through this. Goldman spends so much time sloshing around in digressions and not enough time telling the story of the murder and trial. Guatemalan history is both interesting and relevant to the murder, but Goldman renders it all a mishmash of names, acronyms, and tim...
I couldn't bring myself to push through this. Goldman spends so much time sloshing around in digressions and not enough time telling the story of the murder and trial. Guatemalan history is both interesting and relevant to the murder, but Goldman renders it all a mishmash of names, acronyms, and tim...
Francisco Goldman’s novel Say Her Name seems to be all the rage right now. I randomly came across a recommendation somewhere or other, and then proceeded to find brilliant reviews for the novel everywhere I looked on the internet. It wasn’t too long after I delved in that I figured out what all the ...
Title: The Mongolian Conspiracy Who Wrote It? Rafael Bernal (1915-1972), a well-known writer of Mexican detective novels. The Mongolian Conspiracy is regarded as his masterpiece. It was translated from Spanish by Katherine Silver, co-director of the Banff International Literary Translation Cen...
There is a brilliant and touching preface by Francisco Goldman that I highly recommend. The book itself, however, is dull. Returning to Pinochet's Chile to produce a clandestine film about the horrors of the dictatorship. the narrator, Miguel Littín, is horrified to learn that Pinochet's Chile (in 1...