This covers Doctor Strange from his inception to much more recent adventures with a variety of art styles and enemies. Interesting collection, Lots of potential that hte film really did do well with. It falls into (in my opinion) Doomsday; Spellbound, Gothic, Ghost Stories, Genre: Horror; Super...
In this graphic novel we see Doctor Strange has fully accepted his role in the world of magic and still looking for ways to heal himself physically. He has become one of the world’s greatest magicians. He fights evil trying to take over the world while combating his own troubles. This is my firs...
Another Eberron handbook, another decent source of information. This one is set up so it can serve equally as a handbook for players wanting more information on traveling in Khorvaire or across Eberron and as a source for DMs looking to get their players moving.'Explorer's Handbook' goes in depth in...