Froggy Goes to School was published in 1996 by Jonathan London. This story is a phenomenal picture book. In the story, Froggy is very excited about starting his first day of school. During the story, Froggy has a dream that he got on the bus for his first day of school and forgot his clothes! Froggy...
I would implement this book into my classroom to appreciate the dad's and introduce Father's Day. Many Elementary teachers always do a Mothers/Fathers day craft or something to give to their parents for this holiday. I would read this to my class and talk about why dads are special and why we should...
Froggy's Halloween is a great read for any student in any grade, kindergarten to sixth. However, while I would still read it around Halloween time to kindergarten through second, I would mainly use is for third through sixth. The way I would use is would be having the students write a summary of the...
I'm not sure what to make of this one. The moral seems like one that could be misconstrued by people (a la The Giving Tree). Not a huge fan of this series but maybe the other books are better.
Froggy is a spoiled little shit that should cut his mom some slack... also, why the hell was his toothbrush in the cookie jar?