A man dreams he is a butterfly. And in that dream has no memory of ever being a man. The man awakes. Remembering he had a dream of being a butterfly. Is the man dreaming of being a butterfly or is the butterfly dreaming of being a man? That is the crux of this oh so amazing gem of an audiobook. Let'...
The Forbidden by F.R. TallisI was a Goodreads Giveaway Winner. I own a copy.It is a well written book & I enjoyed the story line development. The characters became alive to me. There was an underlying sense of foreboding that became more real with every page I turned. Doctor Paul Clement traveled to...
NET galley WIN3.5 averaged Our main fellow, James is hired quite abruptly as the primary doctor of a mental health facility that includes a male and female inpatient department, and the Sleep Room. The sleeping permits for long exposure of sleep (obviously!), along with frequent use of ECT, and LARG...
I love this author's Liebermann series, so when i saw this stand alone I was excited. An old house turned into a mental institution for those who cannot be helped by other means, a radical new psychiatrist who does not believe in Freud's talking cure, a new therapy involving prolonged sleep and a na...
3.5 "Is good doctor slowly succumbing to madness or, has he really passed thought the gates of hell?" Answer is given close to the middle of book and I didn't enjoy that I would much more preferred left guessing is Monsieur Clement ill or he really had been possessed by demon.
I really liked this fourth book in Liebermann Papers. Actually, I think it's the best in the series so far. Maxim is such an intelligent and talented professional. He always surprises me. His intuition is marvellous.I was quite sad, though to read about his problems at the General Hospital - what a...