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Carol’s excellent review ( persuaded me to buy this book. I’m glad I did. It’s a short novella, a noir detective story, sweet and very fast. Despite the low page count, characterization is excellent. The tale introduces Markhat, the Finder. Three trolls...
Once I knew a nurse that had an info-mercial-buying problem. Her friend confided she must have thirty watches all still in the box, and closets full of unopened packages. I never understood the appeal of that kind of shopping, and I usually prove immune to impulse buying. Until now. Late at night, I...
I enjoyed what I read but at 40-something pages its a little too short to really give more that two stars.
Although only novella length this story has a wonderful combination of wit and the supernatural.The main character finds himself in the middle of a Troll quest. A quest that threatens to reignite a war between a Troll clan and the undead.This doesn't bother Markhat in the slightest though. He manage...
According to this page, this is the first story in Frank Tuttle's Markhat series. I became aware of this series when one of Tuttle's works (The Broken Bell?) popped up on Samhain's new releases page and set off my "ooh pretty" reaction. The excerpt sounded good and reminded me a little of Jim Butche...