Frank W. Abagnale
Birth date: April 26, 1948
Frank W. Abagnale's Books
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Q: One of the New York cops who’d worked hardest to catch me read the report and snorted. “This head doctor’s gotta be kiddin‘ us,” he scoffed. “This phony rips off several hundred banks, hustleshalf the hotels in the world for everything but the sheets, screws every airline in the skies, including ...
Most criminals aren't amusing or endearing but Abagnale is both. He takes you through his life of avarice and greed and almost makes you believe there are no pitfalls. I wish it was fiction, but it wasn't. Still, nicely written and engaging.
While the earlier book was entertaining, this book instilled paranoia balanced with too much information. The author describes how he can find information about you and steal your identity. He presents too many examples.
Ok, so the author is completely morally reprehensible - listeners need to put that aside to get though this audiobook! The longer this tale went on, the more I began shake my head and laugh as scheme after scheme seemed to fall into place for the author. Can it all possibly be 100% true? Apparently ...
A captivating and action packed book. It made me feel that I was Frank's partner in crime. This just shows that confidence is the key. Also picked up a few pointers along the way. ;)