"Bonobo i ateista" Fransa de Waal, to książka w której autor przedstawia źródła pochodzenia moralności. Polemizuje z neoateistami m.in. Dawkinsem. To jednak nie tylko książka o ewolucji i prezentacji cech porównawczych naczelnych i naszego najbliższego człekokształtnego Bonobo. Wiele ciekawych opisó...
This book is written by world-renowned biologist and primatologist Frans de Waal. He gives us insight into the minds of animals; minds that are far more intricate and complex than we originally thought. There are lots of interesting tidbits in here based on research involving crows, dolphins, parrot...
Książka oparta jest na zasadach wykładu tannerowskiego (chodzi o interpretację i nadinterpretację lub interpretację interpretacji patrz http://www.miesiecznik.znak.com.pl/10925/calosc/interpretacje-interpretacji-o-ksiazce-umberta-eco-i-in-interpretacja-i-nadinterpretacja) Głównym tematem jest spojrz...
s. 189
I'm an atheist geneticist with a long-standing interest in primates, and I dislike this book. I'm sorry to say that I've come to see it as simply disingenuous, and sorry because I otherwise agree with the general thrust being made. But I can't abide the author being "on my side", yet also being a ...
The book really should have been titled "The Bonobo and Human Empathy". The two pillars of all philosophy are empathy and reciprocity. He completely examines the first pillar, empathy, by illustrating empathetic behavior in Bonobos (and other animals) and linking it to our behavior.He's such a good ...
As a leading primatologist, Mr. Waal has studied chimps and apes for years. He shares his findings on primate behaviour with the reader and draws astounding parallels to human behaviour. He shares personal experiences with the reader as well as some groundbreaking studies done in the field.Althoug...
I loved this book. I almost wish it had been a ebook, so I could have taken notes about this book so I'd have those notes to write a in-depth review. Sadly, not going to happen. I do have some things to say about this book, aside from now wanting to read some of the other books this author has writt...
A truly fascinating elucidation of the mechanisms of power, affinity, aggression, reconciliation, and manipulation among a colony of chimpanzees at a zoo. What struck me was the flexibility and calculation of the interactions. Socialization and learning also played a large part. Also, there was rema...