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bookshelves: spring-2015, biography, e-book, holocaust-genocide, jewish, nonfiction, published-1991, art-forms Read from April 30 to May 01, 2015 Art Spiegelman warns of 'dangerous' outcome as Russian shops ban Maus This has been on my wishlist forever -looks like this is a good time to read it...
This is my 3rd time reading Maus. It gets more affecting every time, especially now that I'm reading Meta-Maus.
This is my 3rd time reading Maus. It gets more affecting every time, especially now that I'm reading Meta-Maus.
Maus tells the story of Vladek, a Holocaust survivor living in New York. His son Art (also the author), interviews his father about his time spent dodging capture as well as his imprisonment at Auschwitz. Vladek recounts those who helped him, who betrayed him and the Nazis who murdered his friends...
Well I guess you can say that my first ever Comic Book was a success. The symbolism in this book was incredible and the story itself was amazing. I loved how the author actually put himself into the story so it wasn't just his father's story but his own as well. I just really enjoy survival stories ...