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Fred Robel
Fred Robel is a married father of three, living in Northern Michigan, working as an aircraft inspector; with a non-paying side job as an author.His poetry and serialized story blog can be found at Fritz365 http://fritz365.blogspot.com/ , and his seldom updated thoughts on things, life, and... show more

Fred Robel is a married father of three, living in Northern Michigan, working as an aircraft inspector; with a non-paying side job as an author.His poetry and serialized story blog can be found at Fritz365 http://fritz365.blogspot.com/ , and his seldom updated thoughts on things, life, and stuff can be found at Warthog Worries http://warthogworries.blogspot.com/ Born in Lansing, Michigan in the early seventies. Fred was adopted, and lived in the Lansing area until he finally left home in the early nineties. Since then he has acquired a wife, three children, and seen many pets come and go. Rabbits, he claims, are to be avoided (though he now has two!)Cheers
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Community Reviews
KristyRulebreaker rated it 10 years ago
I really enjoyed reading this book, the author managed to make me laugh and cry in the same book. All stories are very entertaining, there are no boring parts. The main character of the book loves his job, although many unfortunate accidents could make him to hate it, he doesn't.
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