Set in 1945, Cathy is anxiously waiting for the return of her fiance from the war. A few months ago her sister was killed in an accident, leaving Cathy to bring up her young nephew. On his return, Cathy is faced with the decision of whether or not to tell Alex about the baby. Sadly, he finds out fro...
‘The cave, the cave,’ yelled Jonathon. Fay appeared with a wriggling Carrie desperate to escape the confines of her pushchair. ‘Can we come too?’ her sister-in-law asked, her tone revealing her own eagerness to escape for a while. DNF. The Amber Keeper was recommended to me by a friend and I rea...
I have always been fascinated by tales of the Russian Revolution. An entire nation, caught between east and west, jumps several stages of development to try and create a workers' paradise only to erupt in terrifying violence. How did anyone survive the bloodshed and the starvation and disease and th...
This was a book that I really wanted to like, but try as I could, I could not get past the major flaws in this one, and they are pretty big. Mostly, the author spends a great deal of the book telling me what is happening, not showing it to me, and there was so much squandered possibilities there to ...
Very good, full review here