Frederick Busch
Birth date: August 01, 1941
Died: February 23, 2006
Frederick Busch's Books
3.75 stars, maybe 3.5.I love Charles Dickens, but I don't think this is his best work. So far, my favorites are Great Expectations and David Copperfield, but I still have several Dickens novels on my to-read list. Dickens is the total package - great writer and storyteller with excellent characteriz...
Introduction--Bartleby--The Piazza--The Encantadas--The Bell-Tower--Benito Cereno--The Paradise of Bachelors and the Tartarus of Maids--Billy Budd, Sailor
Almost half way through and I've gone from 2 stars to 4 out of 5. The more I get to know these characters the more I appreciate the book. The first scene with Peter and his mother was quite confusing yet intriguing at the same time. You know when you've dropped into a conversation between two peop...
This is a collection of short stories and novellas. The two stand out pieces are the Benito Cereno and Bartleby the Scrivener. It is all pretty interesting and worth reading though. I find Melville just about the most difficult writer that there is and I don't really think that I understand him a...
My favorite part was the language.