by Megan Hart
Sent to a tropical island for a mandatory authorized vacation, Agent Kendall Frasier doesn’t want to be reminded that Zane Vincent’s friendly fire killed her partner. Zane Vincent’s actions that night haunt him, but he knows he did everything right, so why does it hurt so much? The two are drawn to ...
This was a short and hot novella. Maybe I should take out that flashing sign I found that made that clear, cos yes, hot.Since it is very short there is not much to say about it. Kendall and Zane comes to a wonderful island, not to have a vacation but to get a psych evaluation since they were involve...
It was entertaining and the love scenes were steamy and well written. I just didn't really like Kendall or Zane. I'm not sure I bought into their attraction. It just seemed forced to me. I also thought that they both got over their trauma way to quickly. Perhaps I would have liked this a bit mor...
This very short story was more about a beach vacation than a standard rip your heart out story we have come to expect from Ms. Hart. It was a sweet story with a decent sex scene. The foreplay was more fun for me. This is a quick 20 minute read or less. No angst, just agents getting it on.
http://obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.comReview: 3 out of 5 starsAfter the death of her partner in the line of duty, Kendall Frasier, a DEA agent agrees to a 2 week island vacation to undergo psychological evaluation and therapy; it was also a chance for her to enjoy a bit of R&R.Not wanting anything t...
Friendly Fire was a fun and quick read, perfect for by the pool or a break in bewteen full-length novels.The story was well-written, kept my interest and flowed nicely with a great setting; I liked the characters and their background. The sex scenes were steamy but brief and light for an erotica, I ...
I have always liked Megan Hart books. They are always well written and she always brings the romance. This story is no different. Kendall and Zane are two agents who both experienced a tragedy while on assignment. They are brought to a secluded island, with other agents, to accomplish one thing - to...
Publisher: Carina PressPublish Date: 3/21/11How I got this book: NetGalleyThis is only the second book I’ve read by Megan Hart, but I have to say I actually found myself enjoying this book despite a few initial reservations I had.Kendall Frasier is a DEA agent dealing with the loss of her partner. S...