by Molly McAdams
No-recomendado por Ale Propósitos de este desafío: Leer de principio a fin libros considerados "malos". Mi intención es encontrar al menos UNA cualidad buena en ellos y reseñarlos objetivamente siguiendo 20 puntos a desarrollar brevemente. (Los puntos varían según el género del que se trate.)Si tien...
Molly McAdams always delivers emotion-packed stories and From Ashes is no exception! Another great story from this talented author!
Read the review at: From Ashes
From Ashes is one of those books that fall into the newest genre: "New Adult". All of the characters are between 18 and 22. Cassidy has grown up only trusting one person, her friend Tyler. She moves with Tyler to Texas when he starts college. There she falls for Gage, Tyler's cousin. The proble...
This review rant will not be in normal format, instead it will be in freehand along with unmarked major spoilers.I really shouldn't review this book. I really shouldn't. It's just going to make me angry, plus I have other books to review. But, books that make me so angry like FROM ASHES, I need to r...
This is way too long, but it could have been MUCH longer. And I know some of you love it, but it failed for me in a big way. Again, this was a rec from a friend who said she read it in four hours, that the female lead endures terrible abuse at the hands of her mother, and that this book dealt with ...
4 ½ stars.
4 ½ stars.
DNF:11%I just started to read this and decided that I can't possibly rate this fairly.My first thought were: "Oh wow, it should be called "Because of Low 2.0" by Abbi Glines."The situation is almost the same. Low (BoL) and Cassi (FA) both come from an abusive home. Markus (BoL) and Cage (FA)are esse...