Scrolls, stones, earthenware fragments from the excavations of bygone civilisations, cities and empires do indeed tell of past eras in human history. Yet these witnesses of former epochs are silent. They convey no knowledge of Creation by which to recognise the working of the mighty Divine Powers...
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Scrolls, stones, earthenware fragments from the excavations of bygone civilisations, cities and empires do indeed tell of past eras in human history. Yet these witnesses of former epochs are silent. They convey no knowledge of Creation by which to recognise the working of the mighty Divine Powers that once formed this Creation with which to offer men the early home where they were to mature and work to the golry of God.
The book "From Past Millennia" mediates to the reader true life in the working of the Laws of Creation. The clear descriptions make it possible to recognise the connection between cause and effect in human life. The reader finds the anchorage of the helps from the Light in the figures of Moses, in the workings of Abd-ru-shin during his first earth-life at that time, and in Jesus the Son of God on this earth. The portrayal of the accompanying events leads the reader to grasp the great connections, and to witness the Divine Guidance of the peoples, free from dogma, inadequate tradition, and rambling fantasy. The intention of the book is not to reproduce outward happenings, but to make it possible to grasp their far-reaching spiritual connections, and here a simple clear language is of special help.
In the recognition of the timeless values that fill this book lies also the key to solving the problems and unrecognised connections of then and now. That is the deep meaning of the descriptions in this book "From Past Millennia".
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