This darkly offbeat novel opens with the narrator, Wallace Black, as the target of the school bully's violence. After suffering a horrendous beating, Black goes home to his equally abusive family. As a punishment for fighting at school, his mother straps a set of grotesque horns to the top of his...
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This darkly offbeat novel opens with the narrator, Wallace Black, as the target of the school bully's violence. After suffering a horrendous beating, Black goes home to his equally abusive family. As a punishment for fighting at school, his mother straps a set of grotesque horns to the top of his head. He is unsure of where the horns came from. They have always been in the house. And they contain a power no one could have expected. Let Andersen Prunty (ZEROSTRATA, MORNING IS DEAD, and THE BEARD) guide you through a sometimes hilarious, sometimes violent and terrifying coming-of-age Midwestern gothic novel.
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Format: paperback
9780982628140 (0982628145)
Publish date: August 31st 2011
Publisher: Grindhouse Press
Pages no: 206
Edition language: English
Full Disclosure: I don't know the author of this book. I've never interacted with him. He didn't provide a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I bought this book on Amazon and will likely be paying interest on this purchase for the rest of my life. I've seen this book around, popping...
Five stars for the author's constant, repetitive use of the word fuckness throughout the novel... Novella... whatever all that fuckness means. "Fuckness" was littered throughout the story and completely appropriate in every instance. Comically appropriate in most instances. I loved this story.H...
WARNING: Language and shit. FUCKNESS is relatively devoid of fuckness. Relatively... I listened to the first 42% of FUCKNESS, by Andersen Prunty, narrated by Jeff Bower, then switched to the ebook for one chapter. One chapter. That's all. I missed the narrator so much I went back to the audio ed...