by Janny Wurts
Remarkable installment of the Wars of Light and Shadow series, this one sets the markers even further as the conflict around the half-brothers widens and ramifies in devastating chains of cause and effect, deepening and widening the range of tensions and schemes, counterploys, twists of fortune, int...
Remarkable installment of the Wars of Light and Shadow series, this one sets the markers even further as the conflict around the half-brothers widens and ramifies in devastating chains of cause and effect, deepening and widening the range of tensions and schemes, counterploys, twists of fortune, int...
This review assumes you read The Curse of the Mistwraith, I wanted to review each book individually, but after giving up after Fugitive Prince I realized there was little point. Ships of Merior and Warhost of Vastmark are effectively the same book, plot wise. Apart from a tiny amount of critical d...
The opening installment for the third arc of the Wars of Light and Shadow satisfied through multilayer revelations yet drove my yearning for more to even greater heights of tantalization. I felt less connected to the characters this time around, but fully entrenched and sated with the world buildin...