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Fundamentals of Financial Management - editions back

by James C. Van Horne, John M. Wachowicz Jr.
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Fundamentos de Administracion Financiera - James C. Van Horne
Fundamentos de Administracion Financiera
publisher: Prentice Hall publish date: April 28th 1998
format: paperback
ISBN: 9688803413 (9789688803417)
Fundamentos de Administracion Financiera - - James C. Van Horne
Fundamentos de Administracion Financiera -
publisher: Pearson Publications Company publish date: March 28th 2005
format: paperback
ISBN: 9702602386 (9789702602385)
Fundamentals of Financial Management - James C. Van Horne, John M. Wachowicz Jr.
Fundamentals of Financial Management
publisher: Pearson Education UK publish date: January 1st 2005
format: ebook pages: 736
ISBN: 6611065040 (9786611065041)
Van Horne: Fundamentals of Financial Management - James C. Van Horne
Van Horne: Fundamentals of Financial Management
publisher: Pearson Education UK publish date: November 4th 2008
format: ebook pages: 744
ISBN: 6612530294 (9786612530296)
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