Title: Silver FoxAuthor: Misha ElliottPublisher: Dream Reads LLC Reviewed By: Arlena DeanRating: FiveReview:"Silver Fox" by Misha ElliottMy Thinking:I liked this cute and sweet romantic story that featured Jill Caldwell and Richard Sisk. It was beautifully well written by this author giving us a sto...
Now this was a nice surprise.This had the potential to be really angsty, but even though there were some angsty undertones, the relationship itself was quite sweet.Governor’s son Mark has just broken up with his boyfriend, who cheated on him with Mark’s best friend, for months. Mark needs to do some...
Devon BR with Julie and MomoAfter reading these beauties & I was ready for some unicorns and rainbows...And boy did this read deliver. It was amazing. It was sexy and even very emotional. My, can Mr. McCormack write some sex scenes.... I fell in love with Tim, the school's drug dealer. Ma...
Good heavens…what a way to end a Devon BR weekend than with this yummy goodness. This was so sexy and beautiful and passionate and emotional and sexy (oh I said that already, didn’t I?). Oh well. I am amazed by our dear perv Devon’s ability to write such amazing sex scenes. Phew... I mean, the ...