Title: The Blacksmith Queen Series: The Scarred Earth Saga #1 Author: G.A. Aiken Genre: Fantasy Romance Publisher: Kensington Release Date: August 27th 2019 Format: eBook Pages: 304 Source: Bought When a prophesy brings war to the Land of the Black Hills, Keeley Smythe must join forces with a c...
Let me start by saying that I love the authors writing. I have kept myself up to date with all her series and eagerly wait for new work by her to released. I am very happy that she has started a new series, though I must admit I would have rather had another installment to one of her already ongoing...
With the demise of the Old King, there’s a prophesy that a queen will ascend to the throne of the Black Hills. Bad news for the king’s sons, who are prepared to defend their birthright against all comers. But for blacksmith Keeley Smythe, war is great for business. Until it looks like the chosen que...
This story snuck up on me. At first I wasn't sure if I was going to love it. I don't want to say it felt simple, because that isn't quite right, but maybe as if it was kind of immature. In a sense some of it is a bit immature, with the constantly bickering sisters especially, but honestly it ended u...
The Old King has died and a prophecy that a queen will ascend to the throne of the Black Hills has emerged and the king’s sons are prepared to defend their birthright against all comers including each other. Blacksmith Keeley Smythe is benefiting from the war until it looks like the chosen queen wil...
I'm not sure what I was expecting really. This isn't nearly as zany as the dragons. It's still got that offbeat sense of humor, but is fairly serious. Then again, the h isn't slightly insane either. Instead, she's immensely practical. The H is...well, he's said to be antisocial but he seems to hav...
Reviewed for Wit and Sin The Blacksmith Queen is a fantasy tale brimming with potential. A cheerful, caring blacksmith heroine, a staid but true centaur hero, witches and warriors, elves and dragons, battles and betrayal…there’s a lot in G.A. Aiken’s first entry in the Scarred Earth Saga that is o...
Overall, a quick fun read with snarky, spunky heroine. Tried too hard for the spunkiness or humor in parts; bit too much dwelling on male sex organs.With the exception of the male love interest, I liked the characters and was glad to see how the new queen was getting along. I just never warmed up to...
The usual madness and mayhem. The h is Branwen the Destroyer - one of Bram and Ghleanna's kids. The H is Aiden the Devine and I actually don't know much about his relatives, beyond that he mostly avoids his family. I assume this is a wrap-up of that war that's been going on for...seemingly forever...
Bring the Heat Series: Dragon Kin #9 Author: G.A. Aiken Genre: Paranormal Romance Publisher: Zebra Release Date: August 29th 2017 Format: eBook Pages: 416 Source: Bought HE SAYS . . .I, Aidan the Divine, am . . . well, divine. My name was given to me by the Dragon Queen herself! I’m a delight...
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