A fantastic sequel to Collide. Not as emotionally jarring as the first book but it still made me all weepy. In a good way. :-)
Overall its a 4.5 and I would give it a 5 but the female lead (Emily) did not improve much. But this one was so intense and I haven't had such an intense reaction from a book in a couple of months. The story is all about the hot/shmexy male lead Gavin and this guy pulls at the heart strings. Also, ...
I loved it. The book had its moments that I didn't care for but I love it and love love loce that Gavin Blakeā„
Pulse was as emotionally charged as Collide, even more so at some points. I found myself holding my breath more than once and in tears a few times as well. After the pulse-pounding ending of Collide, I was unprepared for the story laid out on the pages.
the beginning started off strong, the middle dragged and in the end the big reveal with Dillon was anti-climatic. I stoic enjoyed, but I was looking for something mord gut wrenching.