“The stranger looked between her and the spectrograph and seemed to come to a decision. He smiled suddenly and unexpectedly, with teeth like two rows of great gleaming tombstones. ‘Hello, I’m the Doctor,’ he said, extending a hand.”Dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum (etc.)… Ooo-ee-ooo OooEEooo… oooooEEoooo...
I can't actually call this the famous lost episode of the original Doctor Who namely because there are actually a number of episodes that have been officially lost. While some have resurfaced over the years since the BBC went about destroying these episodes, there are still quite a number of them fr...
For a time in the late 1970's, about the time Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy first came out, Douglas Adams worked as a script editor on the TV series Doctor Who. A couple of his scripts aired, but one script entitled Shada was abandoned in mid-production due to a strike at the BBC. Now Gareth Ro...
As a rule I don’t read Doctor Who novels. I enjoy (mostly) the new series, and I loved the old series when the PBS station in St. Louis aired them when I was a kid. When I was that kid, I got a three-in-one volume of the Fourth Doctor’s (my favorite’s) adventures written by Terry Nation from the Sci...
This is the fourth Doctor Who novel I've read and is by far the best so far. This is partly due, no doubt, to the fact that the 4th Doctor is undoubtedly the best Doctor in my opinion and will always remain so. The fact that his companion, Romana(the 2nd Romana in my imagination, you know, the blond...