Now that my play "Right on Target" finished a successful run at the 2012 New York International Fringe Festival, I'm returning to writing a novel. Stay tuned. My previous books are "Jesse's Girl," a thriller about a widowed Brooklyn father who searches for his adopted teenage son, who has run...
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Now that my play "Right on Target" finished a successful run at the 2012 New York International Fringe Festival, I'm returning to writing a novel. Stay tuned. My previous books are "Jesse's Girl," a thriller about a widowed Brooklyn father who searches for his adopted teenage son, who has run away from a Montana wilderness drug treatment program to find his biological sister in Kentucky. In the romantic triangle "Loving Rabbi Thalia Kleinman," a divorced middle-aged man falls in love with a beautiful, enigmatic woman rabbi, while still in love with his ex-wife. "Take Me Out to the Ballgame," a political baseball novel -- baseball and bailouts, as American as appple pie --follows a Cinderella baseball team led by a ruthless owner with political ambitions. "The Man Who Wanted to Play Center Field for the New York Yankees" is a baseball Rocky. All are available on Amazon.My previous plays were "Ponzi Man," "Mad Mel and the Marradians" and "A Tomato Can't Grow in the Bronx." I'm also executive producer/creator of the web series "Acts of Love," about relationships, which can be found at mediablvdmagazine.comAnd remember to join me Thursdays at 9PM/ET for my radio show, "Purple Haze" at The number is 347-205-9801.My dating and relationship book, "How to Find a Woman...Or Not" provides a comic guide to finding true love anywhere on Planet Earth -- in the gym, on the street, riding mass transit, waiting to get your teeth cleaned, visiting a friend in the hospital, buying a book or lamb chops -- or dating online.
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