by Maya Angelou
It’s hard to read such an honest book full of uncomfortable truths. The author picks up where Caged Bird left off, telling her story from ages 17-19. It’s a story of beginnings and endings as she struggles to define herself as a person and find her way as an adult in a harsh world, as her family dis...
I enjoyed this more than Angelou's first memoir, which won't be a surprise to anyone who knows my tastes, because in this book she's a teenager/young adult while in the first she was a child. Adults make for active protagonists, while children are passive. So I enjoyed the content more and therefore...
This was quite blah at the beginning & middle; and towards the end it elicited a very severe, visceral disgust with the author's choices at that particular stage of her life. I had to force myself to finish this which was disappointing considering the success of the 1st book.I might pick up the 3rd ...