by Kim Dare
In my next life I want to be a Dominant.Matt is a very unlucky guy with a past of abuse (well handled by the author) and with an obvious lack of self-confidence:“I still don’t get why a guy like you would be interested in a guy like me,*” Matt whispered, somehow not able to keep the words back.Flynn...
Giulio says: In my next life I want to be a Dominant.I say: In my next life I want to be a sub.And I want my Dom to be Flynn. He pushed all of my buttons. My brain has shorted out. Although my BDSM knowledge is negligible, I imagine he is everything I would want in a Dom: he was controlling, posse...
Someone really needs to teach Flynn the concept of informed consent.
I actually read this one (and quite a few more in this series) quite a while ago, but since it WAS "quite a while ago," I remember almost nothing of it now.I'll have to go and reread it. One day...
Cute story about an insecure guy and a bartender who decides to finally take matters into his own hands. Flynn ends Matt's bad luck with men, both gay and straight. My only real issue was with the way Flynn always referred to himself as "your master."
It was a nice story.[spoiler ahead]I felt bad about Matt being emotionally abused by so many men... to such an extent that he became uncertain of his standing with anyone and desperate to physically please. Flynn was admirable as a dominant man, sure of himself, at ease with everyone and knowing jus...
I seem to concur with many of the readers in saying that this story was excellent, but too short. Matt was so vulnerable it hurt to read and Flynn being patient and loving in his roll. I would not hesitate to read more on these two!
I think I can always rely on Kim Dare's stories when it comes to consentual BDSM with tenderness flair. This story is about Matt, whom after coming out just cannot find the right gay guys. Either they are straight married men or they are just simply bad gay men who treat him wrong. Until Flynn, the ...
An amazing story: this is the second book of Kim Dare i've read and i'm hooked.Matt is "beautiful", i can't say otherwise and Flynn, well i fell in love.I had a great time reading this story.