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Gayle Wilson
Gayle Wilson's Books
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Community Reviews
JLC ~ Down The Rabbit Hole ~
JLC ~ Down The Rabbit Hole ~ rated it 12 years ago
Great suspense. Maybe even a 4.5
Wyvernfriend Reads
Wyvernfriend Reads rated it 12 years ago
An interesting pair of stories and while the Anne Stuart was the shorter, I prefered it. Anne Stuart's story; Day, starts off the collection. Pretty short it deals with a Cat Burgular, his last job, his lost parents and a romance. It's short and sweet and the two characters are great fun. Findin...
Testa e Piedi Fra Le Pagine Dei Libri
Di questa serie, dal quale fin'ora ammetto che mi aspettavo molto di più, forse è questa la storia che in generale mi è piaciuta un pizzico di più. Sicuramente per il leggero tocco di esotico dovuto all'amore tra una zingare ed un GENTILUOMO inglese. Magari il finale troppo .... e tutti vissero feli...
salythereader rated it 12 years ago
Rating 3.5 stars
willaful rated it 13 years ago
3.5 stars. So torn on this one. I think Wilson had a potentially great theme (wrapped up in a seriously wonky plot) but despite good, sensitive writing, it didn't quite come off for me.Six months pregnant and having a few medical issues, New Orleans Police Department officer Abby is given what shoul...
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