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Gemma Malley - Community Reviews back

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MyBookyLife rated it 9 years ago
This Book was actually pretty decent. I mean, when I picked it up I didn't really have high hopes but turns out the story line and the characters and the plots and mysteries were all so gripping. I had seen someone reading this book before and thought: why not try it? Turns out, I was in for a whole...
kateslatealways rated it 10 years ago
The idea was decent, even if it lacked originality, but the execution and characters were piss-poor. Some of the worst exposition I've ever seen -- the beginning was one long information dump. The action comes across as one long paragraph after the other of "... and then..." Which didn't only make f...
Mikka liest das Leben
Mikka liest das Leben rated it 11 years ago
Die Grundidee klingt unglaublich spannend und originell:Im Jahr 2065 ist die "Stadt" buchstäblich Evies ganze Welt. Ihr ist gar nicht bewusst, in was für einer klaustrophobischen, geistig und moralisch engstirnigen Gemeinde sie lebt - und wie sehr alle Bewohner tagtäglich einer grausamen Gehirnwäsch...
The Goodness of books!
The Goodness of books! rated it 12 years ago
Review to come soon
twiggreads rated it 12 years ago
The end is sort of clusterfuck of double crosses and betrayals. You never have time to figure out what really is going on before the next twist is introduced. And I'm sorry but Anna and Peter are supposed to be 16 or 17 and they're raising two children on their own and helping lead a revolution that...
New and confused!
New and confused! rated it 12 years ago
Mmm, so this was a good idea of a story but the characters did not interest me, the closest character I could believe in was Lucas. The author didn't bring them to life for me. I will probably get the second book though as the story intrigues me.
Aisling Breith
Aisling Breith rated it 13 years ago
Autor: Gemma Malley Originaltitel: The Killables Übersetzer: Friedrich Pflüger Erscheinungsdatum: 8. Juni 2012 ISBN-13: 978-3570308172 Verlag: cbt Taschenbuch: 352 Seiten Klappentext: Ein tödliches Zeichen. Eine Liebe gegen alle Verbote Wir schreiben das Jahr 2065. Nachdem Kriege und Terror...
Aisling Breith
Aisling Breith rated it 13 years ago
Erster Satz: Augen und Nase verklebt von Dreck und Staub.Ich hatte das Buch seit Erscheinen im Hinterkopf, weil mich der Klappentext einfach ansprach. Sehr neugierig habe ich mich dann diesem “schreiend” pinken Taschenbuch gewidmet.Evie lebt in einem von Rangzeichen dominierten Welt. in der sich jed...
Pagepassion @ BookLikes
Pagepassion @ BookLikes rated it 13 years ago
Sorry, aber ich kann mir ehrlich gesagt kaum vorstellen, dass es jemanden gibt, dem "Das letzte Zeichen" gefallen könnte, aber meist findet ja jedes Buch seine Fans. Von mir gibt es hier keine Leseempfehlung, im Gegenteil. Für mich war das Buch leider, leider (trotz der vielversprechenden Story) ein...
Booknut 101's Bookworm Haven
Booknut 101's Bookworm Haven rated it 13 years ago
This. Book. Was. Amazing! The Killables, a definite must-read by Gemma Malley, came into my possession on one of my frequent trips to buy out my local Dymocks. I was searching the shelves for something good to read when BAM. There it was. I had read the Declaration, and loved it, and I was intrigued...
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