"Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mision: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before." -Captain James Tiberius Kirk. The first time you heard that statement, you were j...
This is better than the movie. Since the movie was absolutely awful, that's faint praise. At least one review here claims it was actually written by Alan Dean Foster. Really? Yes, I know Foster came up with the story on which the the script was based, but I doubt he wrote the novelization. First of ...
Not the best Star Trek adaptation but far from the worst Trek novel. Some interesting background explanations on many of the characters and paced much faster than the actual movie.
*3.5 Stars**The Gush* I'm going to commit a horrible Star Trek faux pas: I don't like this movie. I'm really close to hating it. There are a lot of reasons for this, but it mostly comes down to the fact that IT MAKES NO SENSE! Nothing is explained, nothing happens half the time, and the editing stin...
This novel was beautifully done. The small additions of thoughts and emotions unable to be shown through a film was magnificent in a manner in which it enriched the story and greater understanding to the reader.
As is my habit, I lull myself to sleep reading various short-story collections and other miscellanea that I keep by the bed for such occasions. And so it was last night (the 8th) that I found myself reading James Blish's adaptations of the original ST's episodes (I had just come off of watching "The...
[These notes were made in 1982:]. I remember having been greatly perplexed by Star Trek I, and hoping that this novelization would clear things up - fill in the gaps, as it were. After all, it is by the Great Bird of the Galaxy himself. And in some ways it does - not so much that it gives insight ...