Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture
9788440683151 (8440683154)
Edition language: Spanish
Literary Fiction,
20th Century,
Short Stories,
I am in, or at least on the cusp of, Generation X, so I must admit that i expected this curious production to resonate with me more than it did. There were flashes of recognition with some (not nearly all) of the constant string of material culture references. And I recognized, at an intellectual le...
I am giving this book 4 out of 5 stars because of the impact it had on me.It showed the high 'degree of pathetic' in tendencies that I never considered thus before.The writing style was not really my cup of tea, but I cannot deny that it is making me think.
I first read this book when it was most relevant to me. A friend, one of those friends who is not particularly hipster but always seems to know what's sharp on the bleeding edge, loaned it to me. It had that early 20s ring of authenticity. I thought it was marvellous. I was disappointed by every sin...
Coincidentally, the first novel I read by Coupland also happens to be the first novel he wrote. It follows the lives of Andy, Dag, and Claire. Late 20-ish adults who are living in the desert, doing basically nothing with their lives but telling each other stories. The story is told from Andy's point...
--Generation XNumbers