by Daisy Harris
Book 7, Genius and the Jock. 131pg ebook "Show up with beer and burgers, be all domestic and shit. Make the guys think you're cock docked." "Cock docked?" Griffin blinked at Noah through the water in his eyes, "What does that even mean?" Noah Just laughed, the sound of it echoed off the damp walls....
3.75 stars. I really like this series. Though this one was not my favorite, it was an entertaining read. In this ca both guys knew they were gay but were still in the closet. The plot felt a little formulaic and rushed. For example, after the build-up of Griff's parents being very anti-gay, th...
I have decided that this series is like a bag of starbursts with the same wrapper. You don't know what you're going to get. You might get red or pink (awesome!). You might get yellow or orange (not awesome!). But it's still a starburst. I mean, no one likes the orange starbursts but you eat them any...
3.5 stars
This was another favorite for me in the Holsum College series. It features two closeted male leads who come to accept who they are through their growing affection for one another.Griffin and Raj first came together three years ago, though no one could call in an auspicious beginning. Griff was a b...
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