For more reviews, check out my blog Craft-CycleThere was nothing necessarily wrong with this book. It was entertaining and funny to the degree I expected of a George Beard and Harold Hutchins original.However, I think Dav Pilkey kind of wrote himself into a box with the Captain Underpants/Super Diap...
Very funny. Definitely more immature and indecent in comparison to the Captain Underpants books (a character is literally turned into a piece of poop), but funny nonetheless. Silly and entertaining. The story is much simpler than the Captain Underpants books as well. This is because it is written en...
I found the first one refreshingly amusing. This one just kind of irritated me.
This is another book that I don't think I should rate, but I'm going to this time. I liked this fine, but I am not 7. If you have a 7-year old, he or she will probably love it forever, and you should get him or her a copy right now. The humor is completely toilet-based. At one point as my boy was re...
Max (8) REAAAALLLLY wanted me to read this, a first for him, so I did. What can I say? It got a few lols which is more credit than I can give 9 out of the last 10 books I've read. There's time travel, Eastern philosophy, science, math, business and of course there's a baby dino that pukes into the m...