Having now read this book three times I sort of wonder how Machiavelli's name came to represent a sort of politics that involved deceit, manipulation, and backstabbing, because for those who claim that this is what the Prince is about have probably read the wrong book, or probably not read the book ...
"All men, whatever be their condition, who have done anything of merit, or which verily has a semblance of merit, if so be they are men of truth and good repute, should write the tale of their life with their own hand." I was compelled to read Cellini’s Autobiography after I read Muriel Spark’s Loit...
Great read. Benvenuto led a very interesting life and wrote a very interesting account. The writing is largely benefitted by the significant embellishments made it certain areas. Overall it is a great look into the mind of a gifted artist and the political life of 16th Century Italy and France.
For a collection of one shots this one wasn't bad, but I never felt this moment of utter adoration, either, so.. Pretty average, but overall enjoy- and readable.
ChronologyMapIntroductionFurther ReadingTranslator's Note--The PrinceGlossary of Proper NamesNotes
ChronologyMapIntroductionFurther ReadingTranslator's Note--The PrinceGlossary of Proper NamesNotes