There were issues in the editorial department: confusing sentences, words like 'of' were left out of sentences, and passages that were almost duplicated word for word instead of a gentle reminder of the songs Marley had written and things he had done. The forward was actually the most interesti...
4 Stars Netgalley review. First Impression: Groan. I hate it when the copy is an advance, uncorrected digital copy and the images are all messed up. But I’m dying to read this as a book for my son so I will give it a chance. Plot/Storyline: Based on a Creek Indian Story I’m not going to rat...
This little novel was surprisingly good. I loved the narrative voice, and the story was absolutely riveting. There were a few typos and formatting errors in the Kindle version, but these could be forgiven for the compelling content within. The story of Mary, and her journey from English prisons to B...
The book has wonderful stories and interesting facts, but it seems to disgress every other page.