I have only recently discovered the wonderful world of Gerald Kersh. Prior to this book I had only read two others, The Angel and the Cuckoo, and Fowlers End, both are filled with numerous colourful and distinctive characters, and some wonderful dialogue. Writer Paul Duncan, who is writing a biograp...
[b:The Angel and the Cuckoo|13095898|The Angel and the Cuckoo|Gerald Kersh|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1356127203s/13095898.jpg|18267977] by [a:Gerald Kersh|54469|Gerald Kersh|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1248374799p2/54469.jpg]My first book by [a:Gerald Kersh|54469|Ge...
Another collection of stories that I've read - but ages ago and October is a good time for a reread. Another great purchase from a used bookstore. Most of these stories are often used in other anthologies, but there are only a few I'll skip or skim. (Like The Monkey's Paw - I really think I've read ...