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Loved Rocket; he was all sass, especially about what a hellhole all of Earth is and that's always amusing. I wasn't really into the whole plot, about the infinity stones and where they should go and blah, blah, blah... But Avengers: Infinity War kinda killed all things Infinity in Marvel for me ...
They went all out, setting up the next series perfectly. This Deadpool - and those before - ended up getting bogged down by a lot of baggage. It was harder to balance the emotional aspect with the off-the-walls manic humor and social statements, and so they found a way out. I'm sure this w...
Because, really, just fuck the Infinity Stones/Gems/Those Fucking Things right now. Yeah, y'know what, I'm mad that shit got flipped on me and I'm using my favorite coping mechanism and stress relief: swearing at other things that piss me the fuck off. Anyway, yeah, this was... not at all what ...
"Captain America ruins everything" Love this series, but I hate cap with the fires of a thousand million suns.
Can't he just stay in his own book and show up nowhere else? Favorite author, favorite character, great storyline, excellent art, and yet cap...