Title: Ghost Story Series: The Dresden Files #13 Author: Jim Butcher (Narrator: James Marsters) Genre: Urban Fantasy - Science Fiction Fantasy Publisher: Penguin Audio Release Date: April 21, 2015 Format: Audiobook Pages: 17 hours and 36 minutes Source: Library When an unknown someone shoots him...
A ghost detective. Sound interesting. Especially when it is written so long ago. So he died. And he didn't go to heaven or hell. He was asked to go back and solve his own murder. So he did. Only found himself back to Chicago a few months after his death. Things are not going too well in his ...
Having been shot and killed at the end of the previous book, Changes, Dresden finds out he's in the Between, not quite dead, but not alive. Discovering that the “bad guys” somehow cheated when they killed him, he cannot move on until he finds out who killed him and why. So Dresden heads back to Eart...
Note: I feel that Death Masks, Book 5, is where reading this series out of order starts to do you an injustice. This book does work as a stand alone to some extent, but you will get major spoilers for the previous books in the series and it also pulls in characters we have met before. So I recommend...
Well, I've just finished another of the Dresden Files, and I have two more to go before I hit the end of the ones that he has already written (and it seems that the next book after Skin Game hasn't hit the shelves yet – I wonder if he is now going to do a George RR Martin and continue to delay the r...
I abandoned The Dresden Files after Changes, not because I thought the story got bad or Butcher pissed me off with a story line, I just stopped reading. I thought the story had come to a conclusion I was happy with, and so just didn't read any further. Perhaps if I'd had Ghost Story immediately afte...
I wondered where Butcher would take this series after Harry's murder and this was a great continuance of all that had occurred up to that shocking event. I really enjoyed how Butcher could take Harry's "spirit" and interweave him seamlessly into the story with current, living characters like Molly, ...
People adore monsters. They fill their songs and stories with them. They define themselves in relation to them. Well, compared to the last book, this one slowed down. Not to say that there wasn’t tons of action, you just didn’t get beat down like the last book. I must say, this one has tons mor...
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