Gideon Defoe
Birth date: April 06, 1975
Gideon Defoe's Books
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bookshelves: adventure, doo-lally, flufferoonies, winter-20112012, seven-seas, series, published-2006, pirates-smugglers-wreckers, ouch, period-piece, paper-read, amusing, young-adult Read from January 02 to 03, 2012 ** spoiler alert ** dedication: To Sophie, who still has a quarter of a million ...
bookshelves: pirates-smugglers-wreckers, philosophy, zoology, seven-seas, winter-20112012 Read from January 02 to 03, 2012 Dedication - To Sophie, who has a quarter of a million poundsOpening - 'The best bit about being a pirate,' said the pirate with gout, 'is the looting.'There be footnotes and...
So, these books are pretty much the silliest things ever. They’re satire, sure, but the satire is so silly, it’s lost most of its bite. And not that I’m complaining, mind you, because I laugh my ass off when I’m reading them. Every one of these books has the same basic structure: the Pirate Captai...
Short and silly. An enjoyable read.
This has been labelled as an adult book in the public library but I suspect it's more young teens (YA) because while it was mildly amusing as a read for me, I don't get the wry humour. I might be just out of the target reader market.