by Sarah Micklem, Mechteld Jansen
Luck is an orphan who was fortunate enough to be raised in the household of the Dame, a noblewoman who taught her weaving and herblore. When the Dame dies, Luck runs away rather than deal with an oppressive new master. She spends a year alone in the woods, and nearly dies of exposure and starvation....
Firethorn is a self-named woman, tutored by the Dame of the house and touched by the gods. When Sire Galen asks to take her away to the war, she leaps at the chance to escape the drudgery of her world. But little does she know it's hard to keep love alive in the middle of war where there's arrogance...
At first I really did enjoy reading this book. I didn’t mind the slow sort of meandering that this novel did while telling the story of Luck and her transformation into Firethorn. I liked the details and the world building. I even liked Firethorn, and maybe I still do to some extent. The rest of the...
If you do not like this book you are fired.
This is that book people keep asking for in Fantasy, but secretly wonder if they'd actually want to read: the one about small things happening to common people and not about the high king and the fate of the world. As it turns out, it's a page turner. I think there must be a kind of temptation, when...
I was initially attracted by this book's gorgeous cover, then turned off by the bookjacket description, which makes this sound like another standard boring fantasy. It's not. The Firethorn books fill in a gaping hole in the "gritty fantasy" subgenre: they tell the story of women and commoners in a m...
This book started rather slow and boring, but I stuck to it, and then I couldn't stop reading it.I'm not saying that I liked it, it was really depressing and Firethorn (the heroine) was really annoying at times.This book was really realistic in it's description of the setting, a war camp during a hi...
Loved this! Only reason i didn't give it 5 stars is because the writing is heavily narrative (but really well done, regardless). I love the characters and relationship between Luck/Firethorn and Sir Galan and can't wait to read book two.
I could not put this book down, and lost a whole night's sleep because I kept thinking: Okay, just one more chapter! What made this book so great was not only the writing: which was lush and dark and made every smell, and cry and sound in the book seem real, but also because of the main characters.....
I am wildly in love with this book. It is told through the eyes of Firethorn, a foundling mudchild who grows up under the kind but stern tutelage of a Dame of the Blood. Firethorn learns herblore and pride from the Dame, but after her mistress's death she is adrift. Too proud and grief-stricken t...