The book is just as great as the movie.
bookshelves: published-1865, slavic, shortstory-shortstories-novellas, translation, radio-4, autumn-2013, play-dramatisation, lit-richer, serial-killer Read from October 03 to 05, 2013 Just the titular story: Leskov's searing classic Russian tale of passion and murder is an emotional rollercoaste...
A Void (La Disparition)–Georges PerecA Lipogrammatic Synopsis ---- which with artful constraint will focus savor, nay passion and by addition of vigorous acuity and highbrow purport, may transplant mirth as though a frolicking Pan full of ambrosial liquor.As his country is torn apart by social and p...
It is hard to read a book when you do not like the main character. At all.And what if the book is written in some sort of odd Ulysses-ish manner? Not inviting.Only two things kept me reading along: (1) the story is set in (ahhh!) Paris and (2) the book is on our list of 1001 Children’s Books You Mus...
A light and really enjoyable read as well as being a mind blowing experience imagining the translator tearing her hair out as she translated it. The translation is fantastic.
Ah Moby Dick ! Ah maudit Bic !
Zazie Lalochère is my hero, or perhaps antihero. Both? She's a preteen-teen (her age is never stated) from the French country who gets dropped off with her uncle, Gabriel, in Paris for two days so her mother can spend time with her new boyfriend. Immediately, it's obvious that Zazie is a character. ...
Կատարյալ հիմարություն: Հեղինակն ուղղակի օրիգինալ բան գրելու անհաջող փորձ ա արել: Էն հիմար գրքերից մեկն ա, որոնց տափակությունը չընդունելու համար ոմանք դրանում թաքնված իմաստ ու արժեքներ են «գտնում»... :D
A slightly strange book. Reads in a very cinematic manner, but doesn't describe visually the person of Zazie at all. Her age, apperance is all left completely to the reader's imagination
Gilbert Adair wrote The Holy Innocents a few years ago (which I haven't read). When Bertolucci wanted to film it, Adair wrote the screenplay and rewrote the novel as The Dreamers, although in an epilogue he explains that the book and film are deliberately different. It’s a quick read (borderline nov...