by Sarah Mlynowski
While fairly unexceptional in concept, girl drops phone in fountain and discovers that she can contact her 3 years younger self, actions definitely have serious consequences in this story and the actions having consequences are consistent within the plot. A story about friends and friendship and ab...
This was very cute and fun to read. I loved Devi at both ages, as a freshman and a senior. Although she annoyed me at some points, especially as a senior, which I think is what slowed down my reading for awhile. but I did really love the way it was all pulled together at the end, it ended a bit diff...
I haven't read too many Mlynowski novels but I think I need to chance that. Even though there were times when I wanted to smack Senior Devi in the head (and maybe pull her hair a little bit), I enjoyed the book as a whole.This book follows Devi after her boyfriend Bryan breaks her heart and while s...
What a really cute story! At first I wasn’t sure I would get all that into it. I was confused as it went back and forth. But in true Mlynowski style she pulled me in and kept me there. I ended up not only loving both Devi’s but hoping that things would work out!Gimme A Call is the story of broken he...
Have you ever wished you could go back and do things differently? Maybe tell a younger "you" who to be friends with, who not to date or what fashion trends to skip altogether? I know I HAVE! I've said many times that I if I could have the chance to talk to my teenage self again I would in a heart...
Review to come.
This was a cute and quick read. I always am intrigued by the concept of how changing even the smallest things in the past can effect the future. I also like how the character realizes this and she starts to mature a bit. I also like how "frosh" finally stands up and defies "Ivy" at the right time to...