A gesture, a grimace was enough. It was enough even to say that Fadigati was ‘like that’, was ‘one of them’. There two main developments in this 1958 novella by Giorgio Bassani: one is the rise of anti-semitism in Italy in the late 1930s. The other is the betrayal and ruination of a respected man b...
Ferrara, epoca fascista. Storia di due diversità. Entrambe inaccettabili. La penna raffinata di Bassani scorre sulle vicende umane e ne traccia il cammino. C’è un passaggio che mi ha colpito. L’ho inteso come grido d’accusa contro la mollezza del popolo italiano. Va oltre la vicenda del dottor Fadig...
Anna's recommendation
Ferrara is a magnificent Renaissance town which is really close to Bologna, where I live. It's a shame that for 24 years of my life I've never been there when it takes just 30 minutes by train to reach it.Then, months ago, I've finally been to Ferrara, but unfortunately in my memory that short trip ...