by Blake Nelson
The nineties were awesome. Teenagers are hilarious. Henry rules.
Read this during its run in Sassy and when it was released. I am going to re-read it, as I think it was tremendously damaging to me in retrospect.
I'm happy to report that Girl is just as good read as an adult as when I was a teenager. It's still intense, still really well-written, but now it has a patina of hindsight on it.Full review here
I can imagine a world in which this book would have been really important to me and I read it quickly and with a sort of nostalgia for that alternate past, but in this world I was too old and I'd already read all of Michelle Tea's books.
I read this book wayyyy before I should have. I had borrowed it from my local library, after discovering the new-to-me "Young Adult" section of the library.I'm guessing the year was around 1998 because after reading it I was at my grandparents' with my Mom and we had rented the movie Girl, Interrupt...