Read Chapter One of THE LAST STORMLORD here: can find me here: http://www.glendalarke.comWriter, environmentalist, in love with wild places and strange things. Not as young as I would like to be. That's me in the photo in Borneo. The other fellow is a stick insect. I...
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Read Chapter One of THE LAST STORMLORD here: can find me here: http://www.glendalarke.comWriter, environmentalist, in love with wild places and strange things. Not as young as I would like to be. That's me in the photo in Borneo. The other fellow is a stick insect. I started off in Australia, a farmer's daughter, but as an adult I've lived in North Africa and Europe and South-east Asia. I've been a teacher and a naturalist, and most of all a writer of fantasy novels. You know - magic and adventure and the weird, books flavored with my life. A sweaty bit of the tropics, an arid taste of the desert, a ancient touch of central Europe; crowded cities and dense forests and sun-baked islands. World building is my forte, storytelling my great love.On twitter @glendalarkeOn facebook as Glenda Larkeand blogging at
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