Marissa Meyer (author)
Format: papier
Edition language: English
A nice little prequel to Cinder. It has a little of Cinders background, and what happened when she moved in with her new family.
Nice to get a little more background on Cinder's story, even if it's only a little.
This short story is basically a little snippet of Cinder's backstory that shows her as a young girl, first arriving at Adri's home. It explains what happened to Adri's husband, Garan, and also introduces Peony, Pearl, and Iko. It was enjoyable and entertaining, but quite short. Nothing special, but ...
Short story explaining how Cinder came to be a part of her "family" and her introduction to Iko.
Die elfjährige Cinder hat gerade erst erfahren, dass sie seit einem Unfall Vollwaise ohne Verwandschaft ist und noch dazu sämtliche Erinnerungen an ihr bisheriges Leben verloren hat. Darüberhinaus hat sie selbst einige Schäden bei dem Unglück genommen und sieht sich nun damit konfrontiert ein Cyborg...