[bc:Birth Formations: What Multiple Home Births Teach about Living, Laboring and Mothering in the Now|24855195|Birth Formations What Multiple Home Births Teach about Living, Laboring and Mothering in the Now|Gloria Ng|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1423263886s/24855195.jpg|44501923][b:Birth Formatio...
Read this one in honor & celebration of Banned Books Week (which was celebrated in early October in the US). Celebrate your freedom to read!http://www.ala.org/advocacy/bannedOverall, I think the topic is important & I enjoyed reading about the various contributors as much (or perhaps more than) the ...
I really liked this book.It wasn't really one outlook on the asian perspective but a collection of stories coming from many asian perspectives. I think the book focused very little on women of South asian descent(Indian, Bengali, Thai) women and focused more on women of east asian descent(like Korea...