by A.S. King
Never in my wildest dreams, did I see where this book was headed. It was incredible, it was weird, and it was like getting an unplanned gift all in one. Both of the main characters had me captivated as their stories were unique, and here they were, friends living right across the street from one ano...
Leído para el 2015 Reading Challenge #35: Un libro ambientado en el futuro.Me encantas las historias raras, así que lo primero que pensé cuando comencé a leer este libro fue: ¿Dos chicas que se toman las cenizas de un murciélago momificado y ahora tienen visiones del futuro? ¡Genial! Lamentablemente...
I gave this book five stars even though it was not a perfect book. It strained credibility and I never quite decided how I felt about the moral message. Still, I found myself more absorbed in it than perhaps anything else I read in 2015; I discovered why [author:A.S. King|1651879] is such a big deal...
This book is as strange and as magical as I had hoped when I read about it months ago. I truly loved this read. Despite the strangeness of it, it wasn't so off putting, but instead I got completely wrapped up into this story and found myself thinking "why not? who says that this is insane?" I loved ...
Meh. Excellent premise, not great execution. Fabulously written as always, because A.S. King.
This book was AMAZING!!! But I will warn you, she does use the F word, several times, so if you have a problem with the word feminist, then this is probably NOT the book for you. Otherwise, I suggest you grab a copy immediately.
This book was AMAZING!!! But I will warn you, she does use the F word, several times, so if you have a problem with the word feminist, then this is probably NOT the book for you. Otherwise, I suggest you grab a copy immediately.
Absolutely amazing. Reminded me exactly why I love this author's work, and why I love magical realism in particular. Lots of elements swirling together in this one, least of all the past/future visions Glory is seeing. Depression and suicide, family and friendship, self ownership and actualizatio...