by Amy Kathleen Ryan
At first, this book reminded me of Across the Universe. However it wasn’t at all the same. The only thing that would be considered similar is it takes place out in space, on a ship. That’s it. And I was so very very glad it came out much more different because I thoroughly enjoyed this book and prac...
Glow is an utterly amazing, truly epic ingenious, plot driven captivating story that will leave reader's engrossed until the very end. It's full of fantastic twists, turns, and heart-pounding adventure that never stops. The depths and layers, in which Kathleen Ryan tackles, is simply beyond astoundi...
Kieran and Waverly are in love. Everyone assumes they’ll get married. Even Waverly knows it will happen eventually, but still feels unsure as to whether or not she is ready. As two of the oldest kids on the Empyrean, it is up to them to set an example for the others. It is important for every person...
I was thrilled when I received copies of Glow in my mailbox. I was on the fence about it from the start, but had hear a few great things on it and was pretty excited going into it. Unfortunately, it fell flat for me and there was just no saving it from being put on my “please don’t bother list”. Gl...